Jenny Amos
- Teaching Professor, Laura Hahn Faculty Fellow
- Teaching professor
Primary Research Area
- Research in BME Education
For More Information
- Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Cell and Developmental Biology Concentration, University of South Carolina, 2008
- B.S., Chemical Engineering, Minor in Computer Science, Texas Tech University, 2004
Academic Positions
- 2023-current, Dean's Fellow for Professional Development, Grainger College of Engineering, Univeristy of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- 2023-2024, Interim Associate Head, Biomedical and Translational Sciences, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- 2020-current, Director of MEng Program, Department of Bioengineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- 2020-current, Teaching Professor, Department of Bioengineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- 2015-2020, Teaching Associate Professor, Department of Bioengineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- 2017-2020, Director of Student Assessment and Evaluation, Quality Officer, Carle Illinois College of Medicine
- 2012-2015, Sr Lecturer and Chief Program Advisor, Department of Bioengineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- 2010-2015, Director of Undergraduate Programs, Department of Bioengineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- 2009-2012, Lecturer and Chief Academic Advisor, Department of Bioengineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Professional Activities
- Guest Editor, Journal of Biomedical Engineering Education, 2023-2024
Other Professional Employment
- Sr IDEAL Scholar and Program Assessment Workshop Facilitator, ABET, 2012-present
- Postdoctoral Associate, Syracuse Biomaterials Research Institute, Syracuse University, 2008-2009
Other Professional Activities
- BMES Education Committee, Chair, 2022-2025
- Member, Board of Directors, BMES, 2020-2023
- BMES ABET Commissioner, 2018-present
- BMES Program Evaluator, 2012-present
Journal Editorships
- Biomedical Engineering Education, Guest Editor, Special Issue on Graduate Education, 2023-2024.
Professional Societies
- Chair of National BMES Education Committee
- Board Member, BMES
- ABET Commissioner and Member of National Training Committee
- Member of National BMES Accreditation and Assessment Committee
- BMES Member and BMES Student Chapter Advisor
Service on University Committees
- Council on Learning Outcomes Assessment, Senate representative, 2020-current
- Council on Learning Outcomes Assessment, Engineering representative, 2017-2020
- Provost’s Assessment Working Group, 2015-2017
- Campus Education Policy Board, 2015-2017, 2021-2025
Service on Department Committees
- MEng Internal Advisory Board, 2019-current
- BIOE Curriculum Committee, 2010-2020
Service on College Committees
- Chair, Engineering Education Committee, 2023-2025
- Chair, Curriculum Oversight Committee, 2016-2018
- Case Development Director, 2017-2018
- Associate Course Director for JumpStart orientation, 2017-2018
- Director of Assessment and Evaluation/Quality Officer, 2017-2020
- Assessment and Accreditation Committee, Chair, 2013-2020
- Leaning Into 2020, 2020 summer
Service on Campus Committees
- Senate Education Policy Committee, 2013-2016, 2019-2022
- Office for Student Conflict Resolution Sub-Committee on Student Conduct, 2013-2015, 2020-2022
- Internal Advisory Board, Center for Global Studies, 2019-2021
- Council for Institutional Learning Outcomes Assessment CILOA, 2018-present
Other Outside Service
- University of Florida, Biomedical Engineering Department Advisory Board, 2020-2025
- NSF ERC Center Cell Manufacturing and Technology (CMAT) Workforce Development Board, Lead Institution: Georgia Tech
- Wolters Kluwer Firecracker Advisory Board
Research Interests
- Medical Education - trainees and practicing physician learning
- K12 Education - teacher development and student learning
- Engineering Education - formal and informal learning expereinces
Research Statement
I have two main research objectives in my lab.
One is to study applications of research-based pedagogy in the classroom and across a curriculum as well as design of assessment strategies for measuring student learning. Most of my educational research is at the program level, focusing on changes in faculty development and training needed to support new pedagogy, as well as tracking student performance and development across the curriculum. I also have a passion for bringing professional skills (communication, ethics, historical perspectives, intercultural competency, and life-long learning) into the forefront of engineering education. My work spans K-12 outreach, undergraduate, graduate, and professional education settings.
The second area of focus is to improve the translation of medical products into practice by assessing the impact that they have on physician workflow and outcomes. We apply qualitative methods and cognitive interviews to understand the barriers to and benefits of adopting new technologies.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
My lab is always looking for outstanding candidates with an interest in education and skills in computing, statistics, modeling, and creating visual representations of data. Lab members will work in a multidisciplinary team to solve problems in engineering and medical education.
Graduate Research Opportunities
My lab is always looking for outstanding candidates with an interest in education and skills in computing, statistics, modeling, and creating visual representations of data. Lab members will work in a multidisciplinary team to solve problems in engineering and medical education.
Primary Research Area
- Research in BME Education
Selected Articles in Journals
- JR Amos, BM Ogle, JM Hasenwinkel. Promoting Teaching-Focused Faculty in Biomedical Engineering: Education Summit Highlights Best Practices for Professional Development Biomedical Engineering Education, 1-8.
- E Bethke, M Bramlet, J Amos, J Evans, B Sutton. Novel Methods Improve Assessment of Virtual Reality’s Impact on Physician Mental Models During Pre-Surgical Planning. Circulation 150 (Suppl_1), A4143354-A4143354
- Demian S Barcellos, Victor AB Abade, Camilla B Chrusciak, Juliana T Machado, Izamara CP Dias, Graziella MV Mello, Santiago F Luna Romero, Jennifer R Amos, Ricardo A Diogo. Sectoral priorities in the modernisation of engineering education in Brazil. European Journal of Engineering Education 49 (6), 1288-1309
- JL Evans, MT Bramlet, C Davey, E Bethke, AT Anderson, G Huesmann, Amos, J.R. SEEG4D: a tool for 4D visualization of stereoelectroencephalography data. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 18, 1465231
- Gray, Marissa, Jennifer R. Amos, Soraya Bailey, K. Jane Grande-Allen, Celinda Kofron, and Sabriya Stukes. "BME Masters Programs: Who Are They for and What Can They Offer?" Biomedical Engineering Education (2024): 1-9.
- Robinson, Timothy, Adam Kirn, Jenny Amos, and Indira Chatterjee. "The Effects of Engineering Summer Camps on Middle and High School Students’ Engineering Interest and Identity Formation: A Multi-methods Study." Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER) 13, no. 2 (2023): 6.
- Stukes S, Bethke E, O’Donnell MJ, Amos JR. "Biomedical Specialized Masters Programs: What are They and How do They Meet the Needs of Employers?" Biomedical Engineering Education. Jun 12:1-1, 2023.
- Castleberry, Colin, Ainsley Hanner, Gabriel Burks, and Jennifer Amos. "Instructor perspectives on the use of tag-organised assessment to facilitate formative assessment strategies in STEM courses." European Journal of Engineering Education, 1-24, 2023.
- Bansal S, Kyle AM, Brightman AO, Amos JR. Approaches to Address New ABET Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Criteria in Biomedical Engineering Curricula. Biomedical Engineering Education. Jun 15:1-4, 2023.
- Billiar, Kristen, Donald P. Gaver III, Kenneth Barbee, Anita Singh, John D. DesJardins, Beth Pruitt, Joe Tranquillo et al. "Learning environments and evidence-based practices in bioengineering and biomedical engineering." Biomedical engineering education 2, no. 1: 1-16, 2022.
- KJ Cross, R Mendenhall, KBH Clancy, P Imoukhuede, and JR Amos. “The Pieces of Me: The Double Bind of Race and Gender in Engineering," Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, accepted (2021) (IF: 1.96)
- WP King, JR Amos, M Azer, D Baker, R Bashir, C Best, E Bethke, et al. (2020) Emergency ventilator for COVID-19. PLOS ONE 15(12): e0244963. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0244963 (IF: 2.74)
- R Galvez, RC Wallon, L Shackelford, JR Amos, JL Rowen. “Use of Virtual Reality to Educate Undergraduate Medical Students on Cardiac Peripheral and Collateral Circulation,” Medical Science Educator, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s40670-020-01104-x (IF: 1.7)
- Ryan M. Corey, Evan M. Widloski, David Null, Brian Ricconi,Mark A. Johnson, Karen C. White, Jennifer R. Amos, Alexander Pagano, Michael L. Oelze, Rachel D. Switzky, Matthew B. Wheeler, Eliot B. Bethke, Clifford F. Shipley, and Andrew C. Singer (2020) "Low-Complexity System and Algorithm for an Emergency Ventilator Sensor and Alarm" IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems 2020 Oct;14(5):pp1088-1096. doi: 10.1109/TBCAS.2020.3020702
- Amos, Jennifer R. PhD; Pluta, William J. PhD; Roberts-Lieb, Sol EdD; Rowen, Judith L. MD; Shurilla, Lexi MS; Wallon, Robert C.; Wright, Heather, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, Academic Medicine: September 2020 - Volume 95 - Issue 9S - p S142-S145 doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000003295
- Burks, G.R., Hebert, L.C. & Amos, J.R. Creating a Virtual Biomechanics Camp that Emphasizes Socially Derived Learning Communities. Biomed Eng Education (2020).
- Burks, G., & Amos, J. R. (2019). Impact of Ethics and Social Awareness Curriculum on the Engineering Identity Formation of High School Girls. Education Sciences, 9(4), [250].
- Ansari, A., Lee-Montiel, F. T., Amos, J. R. and Imoukhuede, P. I., Secondary anchor targeted cell release. Biotechnol. Bioeng.: (112) 2015, pp 2214-2227. doi:10.1002/bit.25648
- Moore, Keith, Amos, Jennifer, Davis, Jeffrey, Gourdie, Robert, Potts, Jay D. Characterization of Polymeric Microcapsules Containing a Low Molecular Weight Peptide for Controlled Release. Microscopy and Microanalysis (19), Issue 1February 2013 , pp. 213-22 DOI:
- Amos, Jennifer R., Potts, Jay D., Yost, Michael, Li, Shigeng. Ploehn, Harry. Limb bud mesenchyme cultured under tensile strain remodel collagen type I tubes to produce fibrillar collagen type II. Biorheology . 2009;46(6):pp 439-50. doi: 10.3233/BIR-2009-0553
- Norris, Russell A., Moreno-Rodriguez,Ricardo A., Yukiko Sugi1, Hoffman, Stanley , Amos, Jennifer R, Potts, Jay D., Goodwin, Richard L., and Roger R. Markwald. Periostin Regulates Atrioventricular Valve Maturation. Developmental Biology 2008 Apr 15;316(2):pp 200-13. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2008.01.003.
Articles in Conference Proceedings
- Liu, Hongye, Lawrence Angrave, David Dalpiaz, Chrysafis Vogiatzis, Zhiyuan Xiao, Sujit Varadhan, Jeremy Louie, Deepak Moparthi, and Jennifer Amos. "A Digital Book Based Pedagogy to Improve Course Content Accessibility for Students with and without Disabilities in Engineering or other STEMcourses (WIP)." In 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. 2022. (Awarded Best Paper!)
- Liu, Hongye, Deepak Moparthi, Lawrence Angrave, Jennifer Amos, David Dalpiaz, Chrysafis Vogiatzis, Sujit Varadhan, Yun Huang, and Rebecca Reck. "Understanding the needs of students with and without disabilities for inclusive UDL-based design of Engineering courses through learning management systems." In 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. 2022.
- Gertner, Yael, Juan Alvarez, Benjamin Cosman, and Jennifer Amos. "WORK IN PROGRESS Understanding Student Learning Profiles in Second Year Problem-Solving Engineering Classes." In 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. 2022.
- S Angra, CW Castleberry, O Stadie, and JR Amos, “Using Gradescope to Facilitate Tag-Enhanced Student Feedback,” Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE '21), March 13--20, 2021. doi 10.1145/3408877.3432498
- W P King, J R Amos, E Bethke, “Emergency Ventilator for COVID-19,” 2020 BMES Virtual Annual Meeting, October 14-17, 2020. Submission ID #1071.
- Rathslag, M. P., & Van Vleet, B. R., & Amos, J. R., & Jensen, K. (2020, June), WIP: Lab Benchmarking: How Are We Using Lab Courses in BME Curricula? Paper presented at 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual On line . 10.18260/1-2--35553
- Silva, M., & Shaffer, E. G., & Nytko, N., & Amos, J. R. (2020, June), A Case Study of Early Performance Prediction and Intervention in a Computer Science Course Paper presented at 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual On line . 10.18260/1-2--33977
- Mussulman, D., & Jensen, K., & Amos, J. R., & Angrave, L., & Flanagan, K., & Fagen-Ulmschneider, W., & Ozymko, N., & Adhikari, R., & Osborn, J. (2020, June), Measuring Impact: Student and Instructor Experience Using an Online Queue Paper presented at 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual On line . 10.18260/1-2--34961
- Amos, J. R., & Herman, G. L., & Pool, M., & Cross, K. J., & Insana, M. F., & Burks, G. R. (2019, June), Board 4: Leveraging Undergraduate Curriculum Reform to Impact Graduate Education: A Case Study Paper presented at 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Tampa, Florida. 10.18260/1-2--32341
- Jensen, K., & Amos, J. R., & Angrave, L., & Flanagan, K., & Mussulman, D., & Schmitz, C. D., & Fagen-Ulmschneider, W. (2019, June), Adoption of an Online Queue App for Higher Education: A Case Study Paper presented at 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Tampa, Florida. 10.18260/1-2--32042
- Chatterjee, I., & Robinson, T., & Kirn, A., & Amos, J. R. (2019, June), Board 28: Progress on a Mixed Methods Research Project Studying Interest and Identity of Participants Engaged in Engineering Camp Activities – Methods and Preliminary Results Paper presented at 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Tampa, Florida. 10.18260/1-2--32312
- Robinson, T., & Kirn, A., & Amos, J. R., & Chatterjee, I. (2019, June), Board 124: Influencing Student Engineering Interest and Identity: A Study Investigating the Effect of Engineering Summer Camps on Middle and High School Students (Work in Progress) Paper presented at 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Tampa, Florida. 10.18260/1-2--32218
- Burks, G. R., & Amos, J. R., & Castleberry, C. W. (2019, June), Embedded Tagging and Radar Map Shape Analysis for Assessing Student Outcomes Paper presented at 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Tampa, Florida. 10.18260/1-2--32702
- Cross, K.J., Clancy, K.B.H., Mendenhall, R., Imoukhuede, P.I., Amos, J.R. (2018), "Intersecting Identities of Women in Engineering", Proceedings of the 125th ASEE Conference and Expedition, Salt Lake, UT.
- Chatterjee, I., Kirn, A, Amos, J.R. (2018), "The effect of engineering summer camps on middle school students interest and identity", Proceedings of the 125th ASEE Conference and Expedition, Salt Lake, UT.
- Amos, J.R. and Dupont, G.R., (2018), "WIP: Are we on Track with Tracks", Proceedings of the 125th ASEE Conference and Expedition, Salt Lake, UT.
- Amos, J.R. and Dupont, G.R., (2018), "Creating an Engineering-based medical school to address a critical gap in medical innovation", Proceedings of the 125th ASEE Conference and Expedition, Salt Lake, UT.
- Cross, K.J., Clancy, K.B.H., Hunter, C.D.A, and Amos, J.R., (2017), “The Double Bind of Race and Gender: A Look into the Experiences of Women of Color in Engineeringâ€, Proceedings of the 124th ASEE Conference and Expedition, Columbus, OH.
- Amos, J.R. and Brunet, M.C. (2017), “Pre-post Assessment in a Speaking Communications Course and the Importance of Reflection in Student Development of Speaking Skillsâ€, Proceedings of the 124th ASEE Conference and Expedition, Columbus, OH.
- Herman, G.L., Amos, J.R., Cross, K.J., Silverman, D., Bashir, R., Loewenstein, J. (2017), “Defining the Frontiers of Bioengineering Education at Illinois and Beyondâ€, Proceedings of the 124th ASEE Conference and Expedition, Columbus, OH.
- Rodrigues, Michelle A., et al. "Life History Transitions: Parents Still Matter more than Female Friends for Adolescent Girls' Mental Health."86th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY. Vol. 162. 2017, p 335.
- Amos, J. R., & Choi, H. H., & Long, K. D., & Rusch, A. (2016, June), Work in Progress: Assessing Intercultural Competency in an E-learning Environment Paper presented at 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana. 10.18260/p.27213
- Amos, J.R., Choi, H., Long, K.D., Rusch, A. (2016), “Assessing Intercultural Competency in an E-Learning Environmentâ€, Proceedings of the 123rd ASEE Annual Conference and Expedition, New Orleans, LA.
- Amos, J.R., Jensen, K., Pool, M., Vozenilek, J. (2016), "Immersive First-year Experience for Bioengineering Curricula", Proceedings of the 123rd ASEE Annual Conference and Expedition, New Orleans, LA.
- Amos, J. R., & Hunter, C. D., & Clancy, K. B. H., & Tillman, A. S. (2015, June), Race, Inclusion, and Science: Things That Really Do Go Together Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.24636
- Amos, J. R., & Vogel, T. J., & Imoukhuede, P. (2015, June), Assessing Teaming Skills and Major Identity Through Collaborative Sophomore Design Projects Across Disciplines Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.23584
- Sutton, B. P., & Amos, J. R., & Ramirez Garcia, M. A., & DUPE Bailey, J. L. (2013, June), Works in Progress: Development of Integrated Computer Simulations and Laboratory Exercises for Teaching Human Physiology Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--22784
- Amos, Jennifer R. Capstone Experiences That Build Discipline Identity. Capstone Conference Proceedings, 2012.
Book Reviews (in print or accepted)
- Frame, M.D., Frame L.D. (2023). Bioengineering in Extreme Environments, Cognella.
- Smith, C.A. and Campbell, S.W. (2011). A First Course in Differential Equations, Modeling, and Simulation, Taylor & Francis.
Other Publications
- “AFM Scanning of Cheek Cells,” Benchfly Recording, IGERT June 2011.
- “Amos's Atomic Microscope Gives Students Close-Up Look at Cells,” I-STEM Top Stories, August 2011.
- “BioE Students Shine in Senior Design”, I-STEM Top Stories, May 2012.
Magazine Articles
- “New Course Tracks to Industry, Engineering at Illinois Magazine, 3 (1), p 10.
- “Simulated Practice Makes Perfect,” Engineering at Illinois Magazine, 3 (1), p 11.
- “Seniors develop Bioreactor lab to help undergraduates gain hands-on experience" Engineering at Illinois, Top Stories, April 2011.
Teaching Honors
- Campus Teaching Excellence Award (2021 )
- College of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award ( 2019)
- ASEE Teacher of the Year for Illinois-Indiana ( 2018)
- Distinguished Teacher Scholar (May 2015)
- Rose Award for Teaching Excellence (May 2013)
- Amy L. Devine Faculty Recognition Award (2012)
Research Honors
- Fulbright Scholar, Brazil (2020-2023 )
- Assessment Fellow (2014)
- Education Innovation Fellow (May 2013)
- Fulbright Scholar, France (2015-2018)
Public Service Honors
- Outstanding Faculty Leadership Award (2022)
- Outstanding Campus Representative (2021 )
- Central Illinois Woman of the Year ( 2018)
- Chancellors Public Engagement Award (2014-2015)
Other Honors
- Fellow (2021 )
- Fellow (2020 )
- Laura Hahn Faculty Scholar (2021 )
- Honorary Knight of St Patrick (2015)
- Outstanding Academic Advisor (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015)