Advising Resources

Summer (Freshmen) Registration Advising

As a freshman at Illinois, you are required to attend summer registration either on campus or online. Throughout the day you will attend information sessions to help acquaint you with campus and The Grainger College of Engineering. You also will have the opportunity to meet with an advisor, and your AP test scores and placement test scores will be reviewed. Based on the review of scores, courses will be selected with your advisor and you will register for your fall semester courses in a student computer lab.

Semester Advising

Each semester you will meet with a staff advisor. During these meetings, you will discuss course planning, career plans, and other aspects of your academics and future. You will be notified via university email when advising begins and how to sign up. Failing to meet before registration begins will result in a hold on your account.

Scheduled Advising

Bioengineering, Neural Engineering, and Computer Science + Bioengineering declared majors may visit to schedule an appointment for either an online or in-person advising meeting with a department academic advisor.  Students pursuing the BIOE minor and other non-majors should contact to request an appointment. 

Drop-in Advising

Drop-in advising is best for 5–15 minute meetings with questions about forms, policies, processes, or to receive brief clarification about something. If you would like to discuss course planning, selection, your schedule, or another topic, please schedule an appointment.

Drop-in advising is held in 1240 Everitt Lab Tuesday-Friday, from 1:00pm-4:00pm when classes are in session.  We encourage majors and non-majors to attend drop-in advising.

BIOE Undergraduate Contacts

Director of Undergraduate Programs
1240C Everitt Laboratory, M/C-278
1406 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801

Jake Spinnato, undergraduate academic advisor for the department of bioengineering at UIUC

Undergraduate Program Coordinator & Academic Advisor
1240B Everitt Laboratory, M/C-278
1406 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801

Undergraduate Academic Advisor
1240F Everitt Laboratory, M/C-278
1406 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801

Have a question?  Don’t hesitate to reach out!  We offer both virtual and in-person advising options.

Phone: (217) 300-8066 

More Advising Resources   

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