Bioinstrumentation Curriculum - Online

With special focus on medical imaging devices, the bioinstrumentation curriculum trains students to be industry leaders by combining rigorous graduate-level engineering coursework with fundamental business training on issues that confront professionals who develop products for biomedical imaging, medical diagnostics, genomics, and tools used in life science research.

Course requirements

Students enrolled in the M.Eng. online program under the bioinstrumentation concentration are required to take the following core and elective classes:

  • BIOE 570 — Seminar in Bioinstrumentation (1 hour each, taken twice) – Various speakers from industry share their real world experiences and knowledge.
  • BIOE 571 — Biological Measurement I (4 hours) – Teaches the underlying engineering concepts behind excitation and sensing that are used throughout medical imaging modalities (such as ultrasound, MRI, CT, X-ray), microscopy, and biodetection.
  • BIOE 572 — Biological Measurement II (4 hours) – An engineering course that builds on BIOE 571 by introducing advanced concepts and techniques relating to state-of-the-art bioinstrumentation technologies.  Must take BIOE 571 as a prerequisite.
  • BIOE 573 — Managing Business Operations (4 hours) – Covers fundamental business concepts, including project management, process management, supply chain management and product development.
  • BIOE 574 —Innovation and Introduction to Financial Decision Making (4 hours) – Covers further business-related topics such as intellectual property, the innovation process, systems engineering, and designing for requirements.
  • BIOE 575 — Team Project (3 hours each, taken twice) – see “Capstone Project – Online” section
  • Electives (8 hours) – Students can choose from relevant bioengineering online classes, as well as technical classes offered outside of bioengineering.  Prior approval of selected electives will be required.  Not all classes are offered online; check for availability here

Begin your application

BIOE M.Eng. Contacts

Faculty Program Director
3242  Everitt Laboratory, M/C-278
1406 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801

Phone: (217) 333-4212

Interested in our M.Eng. Programs? Connect with us to find out more.

Phone: (217) 300-8066
1102 Everitt Laboratory, M/C 278
1406 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801

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