
CZ Biohub

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign co-leads the new Chan Zuckerberg Biohub in Chicago


Neural Engineering

Training innovators at the intersection of neuroscience and engineering fundamentals 

M.S. in Biomedical Image Computing

First of its kind degree program at the intersection of biomedical imaging science, high performance computing and machine learning 

AI in Medicine Certificate

Empowering healthcare professionals to lead the future of medicine

Cutting-edge research. Exceptional students. 

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Welcome to Everitt Lab

Home of the bioengineering department, Everitt Lab provides students and faculty with state-of-the-art instructional and research facilities.

Upcoming Events


BIOE PhD Final Defense - Tarun Mahajan

12:00 PM

Everitt 1103 and Zoom


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Work at the intersection of engineering and medicine

Join us at the department of bioengineering. 

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Annual Report

Review the most recent annual report for the bioengineering department.