Bioinstrumentation Curriculum
Fall Semester
In the fall semester, students will take BIOE 571, which teaches the underlying engineering concepts behind excitation and sensing that are used throughout medical imaging modalities (such as ultrasound, MRI, CT, X-ray), microscopy, and biodetection. BIOE 573, taught by faculty in the College of Business at Illinois, introduces students to the key processes and methodologies used to create bioinstrumentation products, with topics that span development of product requirements, the FDA approval process, software/hardware validation, risk analysis, and project management.
Students will begin working on part 1 of a team project under BIOE 575 starting with the Fall semester, solving a real-world problem posed to them by one of the program’s partner institutions. Projects may include elements of customer discovery, competitive analysis, product design, prototyping, and pilot testing.
- BIOE 570 — Seminar in Bioinstrumentation (1 hour) – Various speakers from industry share their real world experiences and knowledge.
- BIOE 571 — Biological Measurement I (4 hours) – Introduces fundamental concepts related to the detection and analysis of biological analytes, biomedical images and physiological parameters.
- BIOE 573 — Managing Business Operations (4 hours) – Covers fundamental business concepts, including project management, process management, supply chain management and product development.
- BIOE 575 — Team Project – part 1 (3 hours)
- Electives (4-8 hours)
Spring Semester
During the spring semester, students will take BIOE 572, an engineering course that builds on BIOE 571 by introducing advanced concepts and technologies in bioinstrumentation. In Spring, all students also will take BIOE 574, which covers further business-related topics such as intellectual property, the innovation process, systems engineering, and designing for requirements.
Students will complete part 2 of the team project under BIOE 575 during the Spring semester.
- BIOE 570 — Seminar Series (1 hour) – Various speakers from industry share their real world experiences and knowledge.
- BIOE 572 — Biological Measurement II (4 hours) – Advanced techniques relating to state-of-the-art bioinstrumentation technologies.
- BIOE 574 —Innovation and Introduction to Financial Decision Making (4 hours) – Covers fundamental business concepts, including finance and innovation.
- BIOE 575 — Team Project – part 2 (3 hours)
- Electives (4-8 hours)
Students are allowed to take up to 20 total credit hours per semester (combination of required and approved electives) without an overload approval.
For the bioinstrumentation curriculum under the online M.Eng. program, click here.
Bioinstrumentation Electives
Students can take elective courses from the suggested list below to complement their core M.Eng. classes. Those with primary background in engineering may choose a biology-based course, while students with a job-focused need to develop skills in a particular area may choose a desired engineering course. Class offerings are subject to change each semester and seat capacity may be limited. Some classes may also require host departmental approval. See also the list of electives under the “General Bioengineering” concentration curriculum. For complete course descriptions, visit
Business and Entrepreneurship
- SE 400 – Engineering Law
- TE 401 – Developing Breakthrough Projects
- TE 450– Startups: Inc, Fund, Contracts, IP
- TE 461 – Technology Entrepreneurship
- TE 466 – High-Tech Venture Marketing
- TE 565 – Technology Innovation and Strategy
- TE 567 – Venture-Funded Startups
- TE 598 – Medical Device Development
(Only a maximum total of 4 credit hours of TE courses will count towards overall M.Eng. degree requirements )
Electromagnetic and Acoustic Waves
- ECE 452 – Electromagnetic Fields
- ECE 455 – Optical Electronics
- ECE 473 – Fundamentals of Engineering Acoustics
- ECE 520 - Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems
- ECE 540 - Computational Electromagnetics
- ECE 545 – Advanced Physical Acoustics
Image Processing, Signal Processing, and Numerical Analysis
- BIOE 483 — Biomedical Computed Imaging Systems
- BIOE 484 — Statistical Analysis of Biomedical Images
- BIOE 485 — Computational Mathematics for Machine Learning and Imaging
- BIOE 486 — Applied Deep Learning for Biomedical Imaging
- BIOE 488 — Applied High-Performance Computing for Imaging Science
- BIOE 489 — Regulations, Ethics and Logistics in Biomedical Applications of Machine Learning
- BIOE 516 – Advanced Biosensors
- BIOE 580 — Foundations of Imaging Science
- BIOE 586 — Deep Generative Models in Bioimaging
- CS 411 - Database System
- CS 473 - Fundamental Algorithms
- ECE 401 - Signal Processing
- ECE 417 – Multimedia Signal Processing
- ECE 420 – Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
- ECE/CS 491 - Numerical Analysis
- ECE 493/Math 487 - Advanced Engineering Math
- ECE 544 – Topics in Signal Processing
- ECE 547 – Topics in Image Processing
- ECE 551 – Digital Signal Processing II
- ECE 558 – Digital Imaging
- ECE 561 – Detection and Estimation Theory
Chemical, Molecular, and Cellular Biology
- BIOP 550/Phys 550 - Biomolecular Physics
- CHBE 472 – Techniques in Biomolecular Engineering
- CHBE 473 – Biomolecular Engineering
Biomedical Imaging
- ECE 460 – Optical Imaging
- ECE 467 - Biophotonics
- ECE 495 – Photonic Device Laboratory
- ECE 564 – Modern Light Microscopy
- ECE 569 – Inverse Problems in Optics
- ECE 570 – Nonlinear Optics
- BIOP/MCB 419 – Brain, Behavior, & Information Processing
- ECE 421- Neural Interface Engineering
- ANSC 542/IB 506 – Applied Bioinformatics
- ANSC 545 – Statistical Genomics
- CS 466 – Introduction to Bioinformatics
- IB 533 - Human Genome and Bioinformatics
Independent Study/Other Electives
- BIOE 597 – Independent study work based on faculty approval and limited to 2 credit hours per semester
- CS 416 - Data Visualization
- ENG 598 - Career and Professional Development
- IE 546 – Human Factors in Health Care Engineering System
- MATH 415 - Applied Linear Algebra
- ME 471 - Finite Element Analysis
- PHYS 498 – Experimental Biological Physics
- STAT 420 - Methods of Applied Statistics
Sensors and Instrumentation
- BIOE/ECE 414 – Biomedical Instrumentation
- BIOE/ECE 415 – Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory
- BIOE/ECE 416 – Biosensors
- BIOE 424 - Preclinical Molecular Imaging
- BIOE 598 - Special Topics (will vary per semester)
- CHBE 553 - Surface Chemistry
- ECE 437 – Sensors and Instrumentation
- ECE 481 – Nanotechnology
- ECE 485 – MEMS Devices and Systems
- ECE 510 – Micro and Nanolithography
- ECE 515 - Control System Theory & Design
- ECE 517 - Nonlinear & Adaptive Control
- ECE 528 - Analysis of Nonlinear Systems
- ECE 536 – Integrated Optics and Optoelectronics
- ECE 598 – Advanced Biosensors
- ECE 598 – Advanced Nanotechnology
- ME 487 - MEMS-NEMS Theory & Fabrication
- ME 586 - Mechanics of MEMS
Additional approved electives can also be found here under the “Bioengineering Technical Electives” section at the bottom of the page.
University of Illinois students with extra credit hours (those with credit hours in excess of their undergraduate degree requirements) may be able to participate in the accelerated coursework program, where, upon admission to the M.Eng. program, the student can allocate up to 8 credit hours of graduate coursework taken during their senior year from the approved track and breadth electives lists and have these hours count towards the M.Eng. program’s degree requirements. This will open up the student’s required M.Eng. course load, providing more time to devote to job searching or the opportunity to take additional technical electives. Graduate courses allocated towards the M.Eng. program cannot be used to fulfill an undergraduate degree.
Find your M.Eng. Concentration
This concentration focuses on medical imaging devices, trains engineers to be industry leaders by combining rigorous graduate-level engineering coursework with fundamental business training on issues that confront professionals who develop products for biomedical imaging, medical diagnostics, genomics, and tools used in life science research.
General Bioengineering
This concentration is designed to bridge the skills gap between general bioengineering concepts and more business acumen through coursework and an applied consulting project. The in-depth technical training combined with the core business classes required will develop well-rounded professionals entering the healthcare industry.
BIOE M.Eng. Contacts
Faculty Program Director
3242 Everitt Laboratory, M/C-278
1406 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801
Phone: (217) 333-4212
Interested in our M.Eng. Programs? Connect with us to find out more.
Phone: (217) 300-8066
1102 Everitt Laboratory, M/C 278
1406 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801