M.S. in Biomedical Image Computing

Biomedical image computing is a rapidly evolving interdisciplinary field that influences the formation and analysis of biomedical images, as well as the design, optimization and characterization of imaging systems, using computational- and data-driven techniques. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and computing are revolutionizing the field of biomedical imaging.  This transformation calls for a new generation of talents with proficiency in biomedical imaging, AI and high-performance computing. Offered through the world-renowned University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, this Master of Science in Biomedical Image Computing degree addresses the need for efficient, rigorous training at this exciting and rapidly evolving intersection.

Students can leverage their physics, math and computational skills to make an impact in the medical and healthcare industry. No biology or medicine background needed.

What Sets This Degree Apart

Comprehensive coursework

Instant and complete immersion in the burgeoning field of imaging science at the confluence of biomedical imaging and machine learning.  Graduates from this degree program will find careers as engineers who are developing, translating, and evaluating biomedical imaging technologies that leverage machine learning methods.

Practical training

Hands-on experiences with computational imaging and machine learning — throughout the duration of the program and a capstone project — that involve real-world data and problems. The students will also receive training in critical aspects of high-performance computing that provide immediate value to students and employers. 

For industry partners:  to submit a capstone project idea, fill out this intake form. 

World-class faculty 

Innovative curriculum developed and taught by leading bioengineering faculty members who are actively working with a wide range of modern biomedical imaging modalities in real, well-funded imaging applications.


M.S. in BIC Contacts

Faculty Program Director
4061 Beckman Institute, M/C 251
405 N. Mathews Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801
Email: fanlam1@illinois.edu
Phone: (217) 300-3713

Interested in our M.S. in BIC program? Connect with us to find out more.

Email: bioe-gradprograms@illinois.edu
Phone: (217) 300-8066
1102 Everitt Laboratory, M/C 278
1406 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801

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