Tuition and Fees

The tuition for the M.Eng. in Bioengineering program follows the campus graduate and professional engineering program rates (note:  please make sure to refer to the "MENG Bioengineering" under the "Graduate and Professional Tuition Rates"). 

This covers the tuition for the Fall and Spring semesters. The tuition does not include books, personal and living expenses, and University of Illinois fees, which cover things like health insurance, health services facilities fees, etc. More information about the University fees can be found at the Office of Registrar’s website.

The M.Eng. in Bioengineering degree is a self-funded program where students are responsible for paying their tuition and fees.  Students in this program are not eligible for Board of Trustee (BOT) tuition-waiver-generating assistantships at the University of Illinois. Students are encouraged to visit the Office of Student Financial Aid for additional information, as well as these external resources:

Student Loans

International Student Resources

Other Helpful Links

BIOE M.Eng. Contacts

Faculty Program Director
3242  Everitt Laboratory, M/C-278
1406 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801

Phone: (217) 333-4212

Interested in our M.Eng. Programs? Connect with us to find out more.

Phone: (217) 300-8066
1102 Everitt Laboratory, M/C 278
1406 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801

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