
"No solution without a need."

Illinois' bioengineering department will shift from a “technology-focused curriculum” to a “need-focused curriculum” over the next five years. This work will include:

  • Integrating clinical and research experiences — which many bioengineering students already take advantage of — much more deeply into the curriculum.
  • Translating medical assessment practices — such as using direct observation and immediate feedback in tandem with more traditional tests and projects — to better unify classroom experiences and clinical experiences.
  • Organizing faculty into communities of practice, helping them to learn new teaching techniques.

Major in BIOE

For a detailed look at the curriculum requirements for a Bachelor of Science in bioengineering degree, visit the Academic Catalog — Bioengineering.

The bioengineering curriculum prepares students for industry, graduate school, and professional schools. As students progress through the general bioengineering curriculum, they will develop competencies in (1) math, statistics, and computation, (2) applied engineering techniques, and (3) specialized areas of study associated with the student’s specific bioengineering track.

View the track electives and curriculum maps here.

Length of Study

The bioengineering program is a four-year degree with an advised sequence of courses outlined in the curriculum map. Please be aware that some required core courses are only offered once per year during either the fall or spring semester and this degree requires the full four-year course of study. Successful students complete this rigorous curriculum through mastery of foundational knowledge and skills taught in prerequisite courses that they apply throughout their upper-level courses.

Minor in BIOE

View the full bioengineering minor curriculum in the Academic Catalog

BIOE Undergraduate Contacts

Maddie Darling UIUC Bioengineering

Associate Director of Undergraduate Programs
1240C Everitt Laboratory, M/C-278
1406 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801

Jake Spinnato, undergraduate academic advisor for the department of bioengineering at UIUC

Undergraduate Program Coordinator & Academic Advisor
1240B Everitt Laboratory, M/C-278
1406 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801

Have a question?  Don’t hesitate to reach out!  We offer both virtual and in-person advising options.

Email: bioe-ugradprograms@illinois.edu
Phone: (217) 300-8066 

More Advising Resources   

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