B.S. in CS + BIOE

The fields of Bioengineering and Computer Science have held a common thread for years – one that is only growing more important. 

There is an ongoing ‘big data revolution’ in the life sciences and medicine due to the maturation of an assortment of new bioengineering technologies. As a result, there is a pressing need to sort through vast imaging data, genomic sequences, single-cell and spatial omics data, and longitudinal health metrics that are now growing exponentially. In addition, the complexity of biology is being unraveled at an unprecedented level of detail requiring novel models and artificial intelligence systems to provide an integrative understanding of life. The CS + BIOE major is an exciting, innovative way to meet this need as it develops. 

Practical Training

Modern tools in computer science are essential to this major, particularly artificial intelligence, computational modeling, and apps for mobile devices to find biologically and clinically useful outcomes. This major will train students who can translate between biomedical needs, bioengineering tools and data, and advanced computation in industrial domains of healthcare, medicine, biotechnology, and pharmaceutics. The ability to adapt to the influences of big data within the healthcare and life sciences sectors can help unlock new possibilities.

Engineering Impact

CS + BIOE graduates will be particularly suited to pursue employment as data scientists, engineers, artificial intelligence specialists and more in the rapidly growing sectors of healthcare information technology and bioinformatics.

Job opportunities mirror those traditionally available to bioengineers, including the medical device and pharma industry sectors. Graduates should anticipate working on large project teams and collaborating with specialists in medicine, life sciences, regulation, and policy to advance the development of next-generation therapies, devices, and health-focused consumer products.

The B.S. in CS + Bioengineering is a 128-credit hour program in the Grainger College of Engineering.  Full curriculum details for the B.S. in CS + Bioengineering are listed in the Academic Catalog Program of Study . 

View the CS + Biongineering curriculum map

"CS + BIOE graduates will be prepared to tackle health challenges worldwide by improving diagnostic tools, analyzing large sets of data or images, and creating new medical technologies with skills in artificial intelligence, machine learning, modeling, and more.” 

-Professor Rebecca Reck

BIOE Undergraduate Contacts

Director of Undergraduate Programs
1240C Everitt Laboratory, M/C-278
1406 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801

Jake Spinnato, undergraduate academic advisor for the department of bioengineering at UIUC

Undergraduate Program Coordinator & Academic Advisor
1240B Everitt Laboratory, M/C-278
1406 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801

Undergraduate Academic Advisor
1240F Everitt Laboratory, M/C-278
1406 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801

Have a question?  Don’t hesitate to reach out!  We offer both virtual and in-person advising options.

Email: bioe-ugradprograms@illinois.edu
Phone: (217) 300-8066 

More Advising Resources   

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