John A Vozenilek

John A Vozenilek
John A Vozenilek
  • Clinical Professor


  • 1996-2000 McGaw Medical Center, Emergency Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL(Chief Resident 1999-2000)
  • 1992-1996 Doctor of Medicine with Research Distinction, University of Miami School of Medicine, Coral Gables, Florida
  • 1988-1992 Bachelor of Science (Microbiology), University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida Bachelor of Science

Academic Positions

  • 2016-Present Clinical Professor, Department of Bioengineering, University of Illinois College of Engineering, Urbana-Champaign
  • 2016-Present Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine University of Illinois College of Medicine, Peoria
  • 2014-2016 Affiliate Associate Professor, Department of Bioengineering, University of Illinois College of Engineering, Urbana-Champaign
  • 2014-2016 Associate Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine University of Illinois College of Medicine, Peoria
  • 2012-2013Visiting Professor, University of Nice, France Centre du Simulation, College of Medicine
  • 2012-2014 Associate Professor of Clinical SurgeryUniversity of Illinois College of Medicine, Peoria
  • 2012Visiting Associate Professor of Clinical SurgeryUniversity of Illinois College of Medicine, Peoria

Chapters in Books

  • 2. Weaver S, Feitosa J, Salas E, Seddon R, Vozenilek J. The theoretical drivers and models of team performance and effectiveness for patient safety. Improving Patient Safety Through Teamwork and Team Training 2013. Oxford University Press
  • 1. Patterson M, Vozenilek J. Emergency Medicine Simulation. Manual of Simulation in Healthcare. Riley (Ed.) 2009. Oxford University Press

Articles in Conference Proceedings

  • 6. Fernandez R, Vozenilek J, Hegarty C, Motola I, Reznek M, Phrampus P, Kozlowski S. Developing expert medical teams: toward an evidence-based approach. Acad Emerg Med. 2008 Nov;15(11):1025-36. (Invited, Peer reviewed)
  • 5. Kaji A, Bair A, Okuda Y, Kobayashi L, Khare R, Vozenilek J. Defining systems expertise: effective simulation at the organizational level--implications for patient safety, disaster surge capacity, and facilitating the systems interface. Acad Emerg Med. 2008 Nov;15(11):1098-103. (Invited, Peer reviewed)
  • 4. Gordon, J, Vozenilek J. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Science of Simulation in Healthcare: Defining and Developing Clinical Expertise. On Behalf of the SAEM Simulation Task Force and Interest Group, and the Technology in Medical Education Committee. 2008 Academic Emergency Medicine Consensus Conference. Acad Emerg Med. 2008 Nov;15(11): (Peer reviewed)
  • 3. Vozenilek J, Huff J, Reznek M, Gordon J. See one, do one, teach one: advanced technology in medical education. Acad Emerg Med. 2004 Nov;11(11):1149-54. (Invited, Peer reviewed)
  • 2. Handler J, Adams J, Feied C, Gillam M, Vozenilek J, Barthell E, Davidson S. Emergency medicine information technology consensus conference: executive summary. Acad Emerg Med. 2004 Nov;11(11):1112-3. (Invited, Peer reviewed)
  • 1. Vozenilek J. Acid Base Emergencies. Critical Decisions in Emergency Medicine, ACEP Publications, September, 2000 (Invited)

Refereed Conference Papers and Presentations

  • 33. Croland T, Orzulak F, Wynn K, Aiyer M, Rusch S, Vozenilek J. A Graduate Medical Education and Faculty Behavior Change Program to Enhance Learning Climate. (Work in Progress)
  • 32. Powell E, O’Connor L, Nannicelli A, Barker L, Khare R, Seivert N, Holl J, Vozenilek J. Failure mode effects and criticality analysis: innovative risk assessment to identify critical areas for improvement in emergency department sepsis resuscitation. Diagnosis 1 (2) 173-181 (2014).
  • 31. Henry B, Rooney D, Eller S, Vozenilek J, McCarthy D. Testing of the Patients’ Insights and Views of Teamwork (PIVOT) Survery: a Validity Study. Peatient Educ Couns, 2014, Sep, 96(3):346-51. Doi: 10.1016/m.pec2014.06.002. Epub 2014, Jun 16. PubMed PMID: 24976630.
  • 30. O’Leary K, Creden A, Slade M, Landler M, Kulkarni N, Lee J, Vozenilek J, Pfeifer P, Eller S, Wayne D, Williams M. Implementation of Unit-Based Interventions to Improve Teamwork and Patient Safety on a Medical Service. Am J Med Qual, 2014, June 11. Pii: 1062860614538093.
  • 29. Beeson M, Vozenilek J. Specialty Milestones and the Next Accreditation System: An Opportunity for the Simulation Community. Simulation in Healthcare: Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare(2014). PMID 24614793
  • 28. McCarthy D, Leone K, Salzman D, Vozenilek J, Cameron K. Language Complexity and Characteristics in Simulated Informed Consent Discussions: Can the Patient Understand? Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 24 (4), 315-320. PMID: 23035998
  • 27. Henry B, McCarthy D, Nannicelli A, Seivert N, Vozenilek J. Patients' views of teamwork in the emergency department offer insights about team performance.Health Expect. 2013 Oct 7. doi: 10.1111/hex.12148. PMID: 24118891
  • 26. Barsness K, Rooney D, Davis L, Vozenilek J. Collaboration In Simulation: The Development and Evaluation of a Novel Thoracoscopic Neonatal Simulator. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 2013
  • 25. Henry B, Rooney D, Eller S, McCarthy D, Seivert N, Nannicelli N, Vozenilek J. What Patients Observe about Teamwork in the Emergency Department: Development of the PIVOT Questionnaire. Vol. 5, 2013 January 30, 2013
  • 24. Haley A, MacLean M, Bierman J, Martini M, Vozenilek J, Kwasny M, McGaghie W, Robinson J. Melanoma Opportunistic Surveillance by Physician Assistant and Medical Students: Analysis of a Novel Educational Trainer. J Physician Assistant Edcuation, 2012, 23(4):6-15
  • 23. McCarthy D, Leone K, Salzman D, Vozenilek J, Cameron K. Language Use in the Informed Consent Disucssion for Emergency Procedures. Teach Lean Med 2012, 23(4):315-20. Doi: 10.1080/10401334.2012.715257. PubMed PMID: 23035998.
  • 22. McCarthy D, Cameron K, Courtney D, Vozenilek J. Self-Reported Use of Communication Techniques in the Emergency Department. J Emerg Med. 2012 May 10. 43 (5), e355-e361. PMID: 22579019
  • 21. McCarthy D, Leonard H, Vozenilek J. A New Tool for Testing and Training Ophthalmoscopic Skills. Journal of Graduate Medical Education: March 2012, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 92-96.
  • 20. Barsuk J, Cohen E, Vozenilek J, O'Connor L, McGaghie W, Wayne D. Simulation-Based Education with Mastery Learning Improves Paracentesis Skills. Journal of Graduate Medical Education: March 2012, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 23-27.
  • 19. Eppich W, Howard V, Vozenilek J, Curran I. Simulation-based team training in healthcare. Simul Healthc. 2011 Aug; 6 Suppl:S14-9. Review. PubMed PMID 21817858.
  • 18. O'connor L, Vozenilek J. Is it the athlete or the equipment? An analysis of the top swim performances from 1990 to 2010. J Strength Cond Res. 2011 Dec;25(12):3239-41.PMID: 21964430
  • 17. Schwaab J, Kman N, Nagel R, Bahner D, Martin DR, Khandelwal S, Vozenilek J, Danforth D, Nelson R. Using second life virtual simulation environment for mock oral emergency medicine examination. Acad Emerg Med. 2011 May;18(5):559-62.
  • 16. Adler M, Vozenilek J, Trainor J, Eppich W, Wang E, Beaumont J, Aitchison P, Pribaz P, Erickson T, Edison M, McGaghie W. Comparison of Checklist and Anchored Global Rating Instruments for Performance Rating of Simulated Pediatric Emergencies. Simulation in Healthcare. 2011 Feb;6(1): 18-24.
  • 15. Fernandez R, Wang E, Vozenilek J, Hayden E, McLaughlin S, Godwin S, Griswold-Theodorson S, Davenport M, Gordon J. Simulation Accreditation and Consultation Work Group on behalf of the SAEM Technology in Medical Education Committee. Simulation center accreditation and programmatic benchmarks: a review for emergency medicine. Acad Emerg Med. 2010 Oct;17(10):1093-103. PMID 21040111
  • 14. Cheung D, Kelley J, Beach C, Berkeley R, Bitterman R, Broida R, Dalsey W, Farley H, Fuller D, Garvey D, Klauer K. McCullough L, Patterson ES, Cuong Pham J, Phelan J, Pines J, Shenkel S, Tomolo A, Turbiak T, Vozenilek J, Wears R, White M. Improving Patient Handoffs in the Emergency Department, Annals of Emergency Medicine, Volume 55, Issue 2, Pages 171-180 PMID: 19800711
  • 13. Adler M, Vozenilek J, Trainor J, Eppich W, Wang E, Beaumont J, Aitchison P, Erickson T, Edison M, McGaghie W. Development and evaluation of a simulation-based pediatric emergency medicine curriculum. Acad Med. 2009Jul;84(7):935-41
  • 12. Vozenilek J and Patterson M. Simulation in Emergency Medicine. In: Riley R, ed. Manual of Simulation in Healthcare. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press; 2009:375-390
  • 11. Vozenilek J, Gordon J. Future directions: a simulation-based continuing medical education network in emergency medicine. Acad Emerg Med. 2008 Nov;15(11):978-81.
  • 10. McLaughlin S, Fitch M, Goyal D, Hayden E, Kauh C, Laack T, Nowicki T, Okuda Y, Palm K, Pozner C, Vozenilek J, Wang E, Gordon J. On behalf of the SAEM Technology in Medical Education Committee and the Simulation Interest Group. Simulation in Graduate Medical Education 2008: A Review for Emergency Medicine. Acad Emerg Med. 2008 Nov;15(11):1117-29. (Peer reviewed)
  • 9. Wang E, Beaumont J, Kharasch M, Vozenilek J. Resident Response to Integration of Simulation-based Education into Emergency Medicine Conference. Acad Emerg Med. 2008 Nov;15(11):1207-10.
  • 8. Okuda Y, Bond W, Bonfante G, McLaughlin S, Spillane L, Wang E, Vozenilek J, Gordon J. National Growth in Simulation Training within Emergency Medicine Residency Programs, 2003-2008. Acad Emerg Med. 2008 Nov;15(11):1113-6.
  • 7. Bond W, Subbarao I, Kimmel S, Kuklinski J, Johnson C, Eberhardt M, Vozenilek J. Testing the use of symptom-based terrorism triage algorithms with hospital-based providers. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2008 May-Jun;23(3):234-41.
  • 6. Bond W, Lammers R, Spillane L, Smith-Coggins R, Fernandez R, Reznek M, Vozenilek J, Gordon J. The Use of Simulation in Emergency Medicine: A Research Agenda. Acad Emerg Med. 2007 Apr;14(4):353-63.
  • 5. Vozenilek J, Wang E, Kharasch M, Anderson B, Kalaria A. Simulation-based morbidity and mortality conference: New technologies augmenting traditional case-based presentations. Acad Emerg Med 2006 13: 48-53.
  • 4. Wang E, Vozenilek J. Addressing the systems-based practice core competency: a simulation-based curriculum. Acad Emerg Med. 2005 Dec;12(12):1191-4.
  • 3. Handler J, Feied C, Coonan K, Vozenilek J, Gillam M, Peacock P Jr, Sinert R, Smith M. Computerized physician order entry and online decision support. Acad Emerg Med. 2004 Nov;11(11):1135-41.
  • 2. Handler J, Adams J, Feied C, Gillam M, Vozenilek J, Barthell E, Davidson S. Developing consensus in emergency medicine information technology. Acad Emerg Med. 2004 Nov;11(11):1109-11.
  • 1. Sleeman D, Namias N, Levi D, Ward F, Vozenilek J, Silva R, Levi J, Reddy R, Ginzburg E, Livingstone A. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in cirrhotic patients. J Am Coll Surg. 1998 Oct;187(4):400-3


  • 3. Vozenilek J, et al. Pressure Actuated Mechanism for Anatomical Trainer Manipulation. U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/084,863. November 26, 2014 - Ref.: 13285-004-888 / CAM: 737586-888004.
  • 2. Vozenilek J, et al. Blood Mimicking Fluid. U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/084,670. November 26, 2014 - Ref.: 13285-003-888 / CAM: 737586-888003.
  • 1. Vozenilek J, Cusack T, Admani S, Bethke E, Regan M. Patent US8926333 B2, Grant, application number US 13/836,148, publication date Jan 6, 2015. Also published as US20140272872, WO2014150307A1.


  • 5. MacGregor C, O’Donnell M, Haley A, Martini M, Robinson J, Vozenilek J. Melanoma Trainer Using Simulated Back Skin: An Innovative Design. Simulation in Healthcare 2012 7 (4), 251-254
  • 4. Pettineo C, Vozenilek J, Wang E, Flaherty J, Kharasch M, Aitchison P. Simulated Emergency Department Procedures with Minimal Monetary Investment: Cricothyrotomy Simulator Simul Healthc. 2009 Spring;4(1):60-4..
  • 3. Pettineo C, Vozenilek J, Kharasch M, Wang E, Aitchison P. Epistaxis simulator: an innovative design. Simul Healthc. 2008 Winter;3(4):239-41.
  • 2. Pettineo C, Vozenilek J, Kharasch M, Wang E, Aitchison P, Arreguin A. Inconspicuous portable audio/visual recording: transforming an IV pole into a mobile video capture stand. Simul Healthc. 2008 Fall;3(3):180-2.
  • 1. Wang E, Vozenilek J, Flaherty J, Kharasch M, Aitchison P, Berg A. An innovative and inexpensive model for teaching cricothyrotomy. Simul Healthc. 2007 Spring;2(1):25-9.

Teaching Honors

  • 2013 (University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria)
  • 2009 (McGaw Medical Center Training Program in Emergency Medicine at Northwestern University)
  • 2009 (Northwestern University)
  • 2007 (McGaw Medical Center Training Program in Emergency Medicine at Northwestern University)
  • 2006 (McGaw Medical Center Training Program in Emergency Medicine at Northwestern University)
  • 2005 (McGaw Medical Center Training Program in Emergency Medicine at Northwestern University)
  • 2004 (McGaw Medical Center Training Program in Emergency Medicine at Northwestern University)
  • Date (Presented by)
  • 2001-2008 (ENH)
  • 2000 (McGaw Medical Center Training Program in Emergency Medicine at Northwestern University)