Supporting Future Leaders: UIUC at the Rising BME Scholars Regional Conference

6/28/2024 Donna Shubert

The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign participated in the Rising BME Scholars Conference for the third consecutive year as a program sponsor. The event, held this year at the University of Illinois Chicago, is a collaborative effort to recruit, strengthen, and diversify the next generation of academic researchers and educators in biomedical engineering.

Written by Donna Shubert

The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) participated in the Rising BME Scholars Conference for the third consecutive year as a program sponsor. The event, held this year at the University of Illinois Chicago, is a collaborative effort to recruit, strengthen, and diversify the next generation of academic researchers and educators in biomedical engineering.

Mark Anastasio, department head of bioengineering at UIUC, stated, “We are proud to support this and witness the incredible talent and potential among the attendees. This event not only provides a platform for networking and professional development but also strengthens our commitment to fostering the next generation of leaders in biomedical engineering.”

UIUC was represented by department head Mark Anastasio, along with professors Enrique Valera and Susan Leggett, who served as panelists and mentors. Additionally, UIUC sent four participants: pre-doctoral fellow Joseph Tibbs, and graduate research assistants Rana Abbed, Goodluck Okoro, and Najah Ahsan.
L to R Mark Anastasio, Najah Ahsan, Susan Leggett, Rana Abbed, Goodluck Okoro, and Enrique Valera.

UIUC was represented by department head Mark Anastasio, along with professors Enrique Valera and Susan Leggett, who served as panelists and mentors. Additionally, UIUC sent four participants: pre-doctoral fellow Joseph Tibbs, and graduate research assistants Rana Abbed, Goodluck Okoro, and Najah Ahsan.

“We got to interact with current faculty from various Midwestern universities with strong biomedical engineering departments,” Joseph Tibbs explained. “We also had networking opportunities with motivated graduate students with a variety of research interests. The nine sponsoring institutions seek to recruit and retain excellent faculty candidates, and this conference gave me a positive impression of the programs at these universities. I look forward to applying as a teaching faculty member at any of them...”

“I also enjoyed the social interaction with the other students; we learned about the common ground we have and about the differences between our home institutions. We could compare career goals and give advice or recommendations. More importantly, I made connections with them as people that I will carry forward through virtual means throughout our career journeys,” Joseph added. A significant highlight for Joseph was his interaction with Dr. Karin Jensen from the University of Michigan, who offered invaluable advice on the hiring process.

Rana Abbed echoed Joseph’s sentiments, sharing, “The Rising BME Scholars conference was a good experience to network with other PhD students who are also interested in becoming research or teaching faculty after graduate school. I received my B.S. in BioE in May 2023 from UIC, and it was nice to go back and speak with faculty who inspired me to pursue a PhD and my ultimate goal of becoming a PI.”

Rana highlighted a memorable moment, “My favorite part of the conference was listening to LaShan Hendrix, a faculty member at the University of Cincinnati, speak about her journey to becoming a professor and the reason she continues to teach today. She gave great advice on making a difference as a faculty member and guiding students who may not feel seen or heard. She provided excellent tips on helping students thrive and the impact it can have on their academic journey.”

Goodluck Okoro also shared his perspective, saying, “As an international student, it can be confusing to understand what opportunities are available and how to pursue them. The event aimed to motivate scholars with an interest in academia. For me, it was an invaluable experience as I learned much more about how I can be successful as a future faculty member. It also strengthened my passion for bioengineering. The insights gained from this event will significantly influence my future academic and research decisions. Additionally, I now understand the critical role of diversity in fostering innovative and inclusive research environments.”

L to R: Najah Ahsan, Joseph Tibbs, Goodluck Okoro, and  Rana Abbed
L to R: Najah Ahsan, Joseph Tibbs, Goodluck Okoro, and  Rana Abbed

Professor Enrique Valera spoke of the department’s contribution to this annual event, “As one of the founding sponsors, we are proud to see how this conference has grown over the years and the positive impact it has on young talent in the Midwest. We will continue to support this initiative and help it continue to grow.”

The Rising BME Scholars Conference was sponsored by leading institutions in the field of biomedical engineering, including the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Illinois Chicago, University of Arkansas, University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Kansas, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Iowa, and University of Minnesota.

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This story was published June 28, 2024.