Study Abroad

Please contact the office for an approval form if you wish to study off campus for an academic semester. It must be signed by the Chief Undergraduate Advisor. You also should consult with an advisor before making such a decision.

Study Abroad

Most Study Abroad opportunities for The Grainger College of Engineering are handled by its International Programs in Engineering (IPENG) office located on the second floor of Engineering Hall. Please visit the IPENG website to learn more about program opportunities. The Campus Study Abroad Office lists campus-wide opportunities, including IPENG programs.

To get a course or courses approved for credit:

For Technical Courses

Review the courses that would be offered at the other institution. Select courses you feel would be appropriate for degree credit and indicate the corresponding Illinois course number. Fill out the course planning form from the Study Abroad Office with this information and submit the form along with the corresponding detailed course information for each international course to the Bioengineering undergraduate program office (1240 EL), for review. Typically the course information from the university's website is sufficient, but if further detail is needed (e.g., a syllabus, etc.), you will be notified after the review. Once the courses are reviewed, the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee will make the determination regarding what credit will be given and will complete the Study Abroad course planning form.

For Gen Ed/Social Sciences/Humanities Courses

The International Programs in Engineering (IPENG) office makes the determination on credit for General Education, Social Sciences, or Humanities courses. Complete the course planning form and submit to IPENG.

Credit/No Credit vs. Graded Option for Study Abroad

For Study Abroad, you have the option of selecting "credit/no credit" or "graded" when you fill out the course planning form prior to taking the course. If you select "graded," then the course grade can count toward your GPA. You have until the halfway point of the school term to change that decision and must file the appropriate paperwork with IPENG.

Gen Ed/Social Sciences/Humanities courses taken for credit/no credit can be counted for degree credit. This is an exception made for Study Abroad.

BIOE Undergraduate Contacts

Associate Director of Undergraduate Programs
1240C Everitt Laboratory, M/C-278
1406 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801

Jake Spinnato, undergraduate academic advisor for the department of bioengineering at UIUC

Undergraduate Program Coordinator & Academic Advisor
1240B Everitt Laboratory, M/C-278
1406 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801

Undergraduate Academic Advisor
1240F Everitt Laboratory, M/C-278
1406 W. Green St.
Urbana, IL 61801

Have a question?  Don’t hesitate to reach out!  We offer both virtual and in-person advising options.

Phone: (217) 300-8066 

More Advising Resources   

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