Core Curriculum

The Bioengineering graduate curriculum is a unique set of classes designed to ground students in the fundamentals of bioengineering as an academic discipline. These core courses provide foundational knowledge used in the qualifying exam.

The core curriculum consists of four graduate core courses taken during the first two semesters. Two courses, BIOE 504 Analytical Methods for Biological Systems Modeling and BIOE 505 Computational Bioengineering are required. BIOE 504 and 505 are intensive courses that require excellent quantitative and mathematical skills, including differential equations. During the spring semester, students take two approved graduate core electives to complete training in graduate bioengineering fundamentals. There are several core electives to choose from (see below for course options).

In addition to classes, graduate students attend seminars presented by bioengineering researchers from around the world. Students prepare for the seminar by reading the presenter's most recent journal articles and participating in a small group discussions lead by the presenter.

Bioengineering Core Courses

Fall Semester

  • BIOE 500 Bioengineering Seminar Series - 1 credit hour
  • BIOE 501 Seminar Discussion - 1 credit hour
  • BIOE 502 Bioengineering Professionalism - 2 credit hours
  • BIOE 504 Analytical Methods in Bioengineering - 4 credit hours
  • BIOE 505 Computational Bioengineering - 4 credit hours
  • Total 12 credit hours

Spring Semester

  • Core electives (8 credit hours)
    • BIOE 598 (all sections) - 4 credit hours per section
    • BIOE 507 Advanced Bioinstrumentation - 4 credit hours
  • BIOE 500 Bioengineering Seminar Series - 1 credit hour
  • BIOE 599 Bioengineering Research - 3 credit hours
  • Total 12 credit hours

Bioengineering Technical Electives

The following classes are eligible as bioengineering electives for graduate students; however, students should consult with their research advisor regarding the appropriateness of particular classes. If there is a specific class that is not on the list but a student would like to propose as an elective, please email the bioengineering graduate programs at for review and approval before taking the class. 

Students can take elective classes outside of their research track, but at least 12 hours must be engineering graduate-level courses. Information on course descriptions and terms offered is online in the UI Course Explorer.  Please note that not all classes are offered each term, and some may require approval by the department or instructor offering that class.  Students would need to secure those approvals directly.

Bioimaging at Multi-Scale

  • BIOE 414/415 Biomedical Instrumentation/Lab
  • BIOE 424 Preclinical Molecular Imaging
  • BIOE 467 Biophotonics
  • BIOE 483 Biomedical Computed Imaging Systems
  • BIOE 485 Computational Mathematics for Machine Learning and Imaging 
  • BIOE 580 Foundations of Imaging Science 
  • BIOE 598 Current Topics in Biomedical Imaging
  • BIOP 475 Intro to Biophysics
  • ECE 417 Multimedia Signal Processing
  • ECE 455 Optical Electronics
  • ECE 459 Communications Systems
  • ECE 460 Optical Imaging
  • ECE 472 Biomedical Ultrasound Imaging
  • ECE 473 Fundamentals of Engineering Acoustics
  • ECE 498 Special Topics in ECE (Approval based on topic applicability to BIOE)
  • ECE 534 Random Processes
  • ECE 544 Topics in Signal Processing
  • ECE 545 Advanced Physical Acoustics
  • ECE 551 Digital Signal Processing II
  • ECE 558 Digital Imaging
  • ECE 561 Detection & Estimation Theory
  • ECE 564 Modern Light Microscopy
  • ECE 570 Nonlinear Optics
  • NE 420/ECE 421 Neural Interface Engineering
  • PHYS 498 EBP Experimental Biophysics
  • PSYC 466 Image and Neural Analytics Lab (formerly Image and Neuroimage Analysis)


  • ABE 446 Biological Nanoengineering
  • BIOE 416 Biosensors
  • BIOE 479 Cancer Nanotechnology
  • BIOE 598-DP Imaging & Therapeutic Probes
  • CHBE 457 Microelectronics Processing
  • CHBE 472 Techniques in Biomolecular Engineering
  • CHBE 473 Biomolecular Engineering
  • CHEM 524 Electrochemical Methods
  • CHEM 588 Physical Methods in Materials Chemistry
  • ECE 444 IC Device Theory & Fabrication
  • ECE 473 Fundamentals of Engineering Acoustics
  • ECE 482 Digital IC Design
  • ECE 483 Analog IC Design
  • ECE 598 Advanced Biosensors
  • ME 487 MEMS-NEMS Theory & Fabrication
  • MSE 450 Polymer Science & Engineering
  • MSE 457 Polymer Chemistry
  • MSE 470 Design & Use of Biomaterials
  • MSE 487 Materials for Nanotechnology
  • PHYS 550 Biomolecular Physics

Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Engineering

  • BIOE 434 Immunoenginereeing
  • BIOE/TAM 461 Cellular Biomechanics
  • BIOE 473 Biomaterials Laboratory
  • BIOE 476 Tissue Engineering
  • BIOE 481 Whole-Body Musculoskeletal Biomechanics
  • BIOE 482 Musculoskeletal Tissue Mechanics
  • BIOE 487 Stem Cell Bioengineering
  • BIOE 598-PII Systems Biology and Bioengineering
  • CHBE 473 Biomolecular Engineering
  • CHBE 475 Tissue Engineering
  • CHBE 476 Biotransport
  • CHBE 594 Chemical Data Science & Engineering 
  • CHEM 488 Surfaces & Colloids
  • CHEM 584 Intro to Materials Chemistry
  • CHEM 588 Physical Methods in Materials Chemistry
  • MCB 401 Cell & Membrane Physiology
  • MCB 461 Cell & Molecular Neuroscience
  • ME 483 Mechanobiology
  • MSE 420 Ceramic Materials & Processing
  • MSE 450 Intro to Polymer Science & Engineering
  • MSE 457 Polymer Chemistry
  • MSE 458 Polymer Physical Science
  • MSE 473 Biomolecular Materials Science
  • MSE 470 Design & Use of Biomaterials
  • TAM 428 Mechanics of Composites
  • TAM 524 Micromechanics of Materials

Computational Bioengineering

  • BIOE 540-AGB Algorithmic Genomic Biology
  • CS 411 Database Systems
  • CS 412 Introduction to Data Mining
  • CS 416 Data Visualization 
  • CS 420 Parallel Programming for Science & Engineering
  • CS 427/428 Software Engineering I & II
  • CS 446 Machine Learning
  • CS 450 Numerical Analysis
  • CS 481 Stochastic Processes & Applications
  • CS 483 Applied Parallel Programming
  • CS 498-BL1 Algorithms and Models of Computations
  • CS 511 Advanced Data Management
  • CS 512 Data Mining Principles
  • CS 519 Scientific Visualization
  • CS 547 Randomized Algorithms
  • CS 598 Topics in Computer Science
  • CSE 401 Numerical Analysis
  • ECE 449 Machine Learning
  • ECE 490 Introduction to Optimization
  • ECE 515 Control System Theory & Design
  • IB 501 Programming for Genomics
  • INFO 490 Intro to Prog for Data Science
  • NPRE 461 Probabilistic Risk Assessment
  • PHYS 550 Biomolecular Physics
  • STAT 420 Methods of Applied Statistics
  • STAT 448 Advanced Data Analysis
  • STAT 525 Computational Statistics
  • STAT 530 Bioinformatics
  • STAT 542 Statistical Learning
  • STAT 571 Multivariate Analysis
  • STAT 578 Topics in Statistics
  • STAT 587/EPSY 587 Hierarchical Linear Models

Synthetic Bioengineering

  • BIOE 430 Intro Synthetic Biology

Biological Science

  • ANSC 446 Population Genetics
  • BIOP 401 Intro to Biophysics
  • BIOP 550 Biomolecular Physics
  • CHEM 474 Drug Discovery & Development
  • CHEM 570 Concepts in Chemical Biology
  • CPSC 564 Molecular Marker Data Analysis
  • IB 432 Genes and Behavior
  • IB 473 Plant Genomics
  • IB 502 Biological Network
  • MCB 400 Cancer Cell Biology
  • MCB 401/403 Cell & Membrane Physiology/Lab
  • MCB 402/404 Systems & Integrative Physiology/Lab
  • MCB 408 Immunology
  • MCB 413 Endocrinology
  • MCB 432 Computing in Molecular Biology
  • MCB 434/FSHN 471 Food & Industrial Microbiology
  • MCB 450 Intro Biochemistry
  • MCB 502 Advanced Molecular Genetics
  • MCB 529 Special Topics in Cell & Developmental Biology
  • MCB 530 Reproductive Physiology Seminar
  • MCB 533 Reproductive Physiology Lab Methods
  • NE 410 Neural Circuits and Systems
  • NEUR 413 Psychopharmacology
  • NEUR 461 Cellular & Molecular Neuroscience
  • NEUR 462 Integrative Neuroscience
  • NEUR 520 Advanced Topics in Neuroscience
  • PATH 527 Parasitology/Epidemiology Seminar

Seminars, Colloquia and Special Topics

  • BIOP 595 Biophysics Seminars
  • CB 591 Biosciences Seminar Series
  • CS 549 Seminar in Cognitive Science
  • ENG 598 Teaching and Leadership
  • MCB 436 Global Biosecurity 
  • MCB 585 Current Topics in Microbiology
  • MIP 595 Seminars in Physiology
  • MSE 529 Hard Materials Seminar
  • MSE 559 Soft Materials Seminar
  • MSE 595 Materials Colloquium
  • NEUR 520 Advanced Topics in Neuroscience (NSP Seminar Series section only)
  • NPRE 596 Seminar in Nuclear Science and Engineering
  • TE 567 Venture Funded Startups
  • ENG 498 Special Topics